Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Thank You to our Fall 2016 OB/GYN Medical Teams

(photo credit:  pinterest.com)

We are happy to report that we have had two repeat OB/GYN medical teams come to help ladies in need this fall.  In October, our patients were blessed with the return trip of Centura Global Health Initiatives OB/GYN team from Colorado, U.S.A. Check out their website here:  https://www.centuraglobalhealth.org/CGH/Home/

Have you read about the problem of uterine prolapse in Nepal?  If not, here is an informative article:

Did you miss the story of S. (not her real initial), one of our patients?
If so, click the link under her picture.


After arrival, they went right to work!
Some of our nurses helped with the preliminary histories and reports.

The look on this man's face (he gave permission for his picture to be taken) says it all:
"Please help my wife!"

"Oh yes!  That's why we're here."

Dr. Ramon Ruiz Diaz, center, our anesthesiologist, worked with the team.

We thank them again for coming and their patients thank them even more!

We'll see them again in March 2017.

Are you a medical profession who might want to consider joining one of their teams?
Click here for information about joining a team coming here and/or click around for information about joining a team elsewhere:  https://www.centuraglobalhealth.org/CGH/Volunteer/Nepal/

Soon after the Centura team went home, we had another OB/GYN team come back again.
It was Holland's Women for Women team or Vrouwen voor Vrouwen as it's called in Dutch.

As always, they made a huge difference in the lives of their patients who received relief
from pain and suffering, often after many years.

Have you seen their website?  If not, click here:  http://www.vrouwenvoorvrouwen.nl/home-en

We can't thank these volunteers and also their supporters enough for their time and efforts!

Instead of relaxing at a great vacation spot such as this,
(photo credit:  destination360.com)

they work to bring relief to others during their vacations.

(photo credit:  pinterest)


Also...we want to THANK all of our supporters for all you do to help us!!!!!

Blessings to all!

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