Monday, August 5, 2013

Spring 2013 News, Part 2

Hello!  Our previous post brought you the news about the teams that came to Scheer Memorial Hospital this past Spring.  If you missed it, please check it out here.

What else happened this Spring?  Well, that's what this post is about.

First of all, Spring brings in the new year in Nepal--yes, Nepal follows the Bikram Sambat calendar.  To read more about it, if you missed our earlier post, you can read about it here.

A new calendar year for Nepal means a new school year for the students of Nepal too!  On our campus, we have a primary school (information on our website where it says "School") named Esa Memorial School.  The students had their final exams for the year 2069 in March

and afterwards enjoyed a few days of fun to end the school year.

On the last day of school, our 5th Graders graduated from primary school.  We were so proud of their accomplishments thus far in their academic careers and we wish them all the best in the future.

Right after New Year's Day, it was time for the new school year to begin.
Namaste!  Happy New Year!

Just as the Spring flowers were adding new blooms,

we added to our Scheer Family Team.
Dr. Shashinda Bhuju, general and urologic surgeon from Bhaktapur, Nepal,
rejoined our staff after a brief absence.

Welcome back Dr. Bhuju (center)!

We also had to say, "Goodbye!" to some dear workers.

After two years of service, it was time for our family physicians, Drs. Aaron and Sally Sartin, to return to their homebase of the United States of America.  We shall miss their smiles and dedication to the patients of Banepa.

We shall miss Dr.Aaron's sermons and worship talks,

and Dr. Sally's music.

When they came, their son Caleb was just a baby.

We got to watch him become a big boy and we enjoyed the addition of baby Hannah to the family.

Yes, they will be missed, and they can be sure that we are praying for them in their new adventures and that we wish them all the best and all of God's blessings.

Another dear worker who left us this Spring was our "Jack of All Trades" volunteer
"Tracy Miss" Haney.

We will certainly miss seeing her smiling face all around the campus as she helped in many departments.

Some of her duties included office work,

and substitute teaching.

The children all said, "Goodbye Tracy Miss!  We will miss you!!!"

All of us say, "Goodbye Tracy!  We will miss you and  you will be in our prayers!  We also wish you all the best and all of God's blessings in your new endeavors!"

We said, "Hello!" and "Goodbye!" to Loma Linda Medical Students Monica, Elizabeth, and Sarah, who were here on a rotation.  They had time to visit Thamel, 
the tourist shopping destination of Kathmandu.
And now we'll say, "Goodbye!" to you and hope you come again to visit when there will be more news!  Take care and God bless!

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