Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 2016 Health Calendar

August Health Awareness

(photo credit:  http://blog.ezdoctor.com/?tag=/soarasis)

Do you know what psoriasis is?
This webmed.com page below gives a good overview and has links and slideshows.
Please don't let your children see the slideshows, as they could scare a young child.

This article gives one young lady's experience:

Here are some more stories of people living with this embarrassing condition,
and also some videos:

To find out about the physical, emotional, psychological, and social toll psoriasis
has on people, check this out:

You can be a beacon of light and compassion to someone with this condition if you know about it.

(photo credit:  http://infusionexpress.com/august-is-psoriasis-awareness-month/)

The first week of August was:

(photo credit:  youtube.com)

The below photo credit is an excellent read.

Check out this photo credit site for information such as:
How Breastfeeding Changes as Baby Gets Older.
Top 10 Breastfeeding Problems Solved.
10 Breastfeeding Super Foods.
How Long Should I be Nursing on Each Side
12 Ways to Make Breastfeeding Easier
Unsafe Foods for Nursing Moms
...and lots more pregnancy topics...including maternity fashion!!!

Not everyone has smooth sailing with breastfeeding.
Read this to find out more:  https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/breastfeeding/Pages/Warning-Signs-of-Breastfeeding-Problems.aspx

Be sure to come in for a consultation if you have any questions!!!

Thank you again and always to all of our friends and supporters!
We appreciate all your help!

Have a nice day and stay healthy!
You know what to do if you're feeling sick or have questions!

For info on staying healthy in your later years, read the below photo credit.

(photo credit:  http://goweloveit.info/health-and-fitness/how-to-stay-healthy-and-happy-in-your-later-years/)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Uterine Prolapse Prevention Program--Part 1

We are proud to present to you Part 1 of the report of our Uterine Prolapse Prevention Program.

You may have heard that uterine prolapse is a huge health problem in Nepal.

We are thankful for medical teams who give of their time and medical expertise, and using their own
financial support, come and do surgery for uterine prolapse victims, many of whom have
been acutely suffering in silence for many years.

To read more about their work, check out the websites of these teams:

Centura Global Health Initiatives:

Vrouwen voor Vrouwen...or Women for Women in English.
This organization is from Holland and their website is in Dutch.
Below is the translated link.  If you have trouble, use your own translator.

Open Heart International:

If you missed it, see our June 6, 2016, post for a uterine prolapse patient story.

However, treatment is something done after the fact.  Prevention can open up the world
to upcoming generations of young Nepalese women who won't have to suffer as their
mothers, grandmothers, aunts, friends, etc. have done for countless years.

Prevention and educational programs are necessary for this reason.

Here is a long, but comprehensive study about prevention:

Knowing the necessity of joining the other organizations with prevention programs,
Scheer Memorial Hospital was able to launch its own Uterine Prolapse Prevention Program.

Here, in quotes, are details from the official report written by Mr. Sundar Thapa,
Senior Executive Officer and director of the program.

"As a country, Nepal faces many health challenges.  A major affliction affecting many women is the wide-spread problem of uterine or pelvic organ prolapse.  This disorder results from the heavy labor and the societal roles of Nepali women, in addition to the lack of proper nutrition.  Carrying heavy loads, returning to manual labor soon after child birth, home childbirth deliveries, and social taboos are also major contributing factors.

        "Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and International NGOs (INGOs) traditionally concentrate their efforts on treatment programs rather than pursuing the more effective prevention programs.  In collaboration with the Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Finland, Scheer Memorial Hospital sought a different approach.  We initiated an educational project (Uterine Prolapse Prevention Program or UP3) to train Female Community Health Volunteers, with three-four volunteers chosen from each Village Development Committee and Health Teachers from each of the government run secondary/higher secondary schools within each district.

Dr. Dale Mole', Scheer Memorial Hospital's CEO, signs the agreement between
Scheer Memorial Hospital and ADRA Finland to implement the program.
(photo credit:  ADRA Finland)

(Note:  We want to thank the Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finland's Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) for the financial and emotional support they gave us to have the chance to give educational information to Nepal's next generation.  We also thank all those all over the world who also support us, not only financially, but also prayerfully!  Thank you!)

         "Prior to conducting training sessions for Female Community Health Volunteers and Health Teachers, an orientation program was conducted for district officials such as the Chief District Officer, Local Development Officer, District Health Officer, and District Education Officer.  Other concerned officials, as well as local media, also attend the orientation and education programs which provided a broad overview of the project and its objectives. 

"The Training for Fieldwork Trainers or Training of Trainers was conducted for our selected candidates by a team of experts provided by Mrs. Aune Greggas (Finland).  A large Finnish contingent was augmented by local experts at Scheer Memorial Hospital.  

Some of the participants:
(photo credit:  ADRA Finland)

"The first phase of intensive training was conducted from 18 – 20 March 2015 at SMH.  The team consisted of the following experts:

·         ""Mrs. Ritva Kuusisto – Midwife & Public Health Nurse and Trainer: She provided instruction on the uterus from conception to delivery, physiologic changes that occur with pregnancy, and what steps are important for a healthy mother and baby.  

·         "Mrs. Harriet Fagerholm – Physiotherapist: With the assistance of her son, Andreas Fagerholm as a translator, explained the importance of Kegel's exercise in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and its role in the prevention of pelvic organ prolapse.

·         "Mr. Ben Greggas – Program strategist: Provided an overview of the benefits, including the economic advantages, of preventing pelvic organ prolapse.  He provide a comprehensive overview of often ignored or rarely considered aspects of the benefits derived from prevention programs.

·         "Mrs. Uma Thapa, Director of Nursing at SMH - Mrs. Aune Greggas had asked her to present in Nepali all the most important topics from her health education workbook "Healthy and Happy Nepal". The workbook and the PowerPoint-lectures have been translated into Nepali and they will help the participants to find good sources of materials for health education to live healthy.  

·         "An additional aspect of this training session was the inclusion of two nursing students from Diaconia University of Applies Sciences (Finland), Hanna Maasola and Reija Koivukangas, who were able to assist with the program evaluation and measures of success."

Here is the main team from Finland, left to right,
Mrs. Ritva Kuusisto, Harriet and Andreas Fagerholm, Aune and Ben Greggas
(photo credit:  ADRA Finland)

Again, we want to thank them for coming and for helping us get this program up and running!

Stay tuned for Part 2!

Blessings to all of our friends and supporters!