January 2015 Health Calendar
Take charge of your health this year!
Every month we will continue to bring you highlights of health observances
so you can keep yourself updated about health concerns.
Here is an "At a Glance" health calendar
from United Health Care.
If you're interested in reading their January Health Newsletter,click here.
(Thank you United Health Care!)
Topics: preventing birth defects, cervical cancer basics,
diagnosing glaucoma. and thyroid disease information.
Now we bring you more information and links to these important health awareness issues:
This photo is from http://www.babble.com/babble-voices/6-things-moms-need-to-know-about-hpv-cervical-health/
and it's an article that is well worth reading.
is also full of information.
If you can see this, you can count yourself blessed!
According to the World Health Organization, 284,000,000 people worldwide
are visually impaired. Read about it here: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs282/en/
Glaucoma awareness is important and
this website will help you understand it: http://www.ivhp.com/Site/GlaucomaWhatYourEyesMayNotbeTellingYou.aspx
Blood donation is the gift of life!
There is no mad-made substitute for blood!
(photo credit: offeringhope.org)
The Himalayan Times had a very interesting article about blood donation:
This page explains the process of donating blood:
Understanding thyroid disease is more important than you may realize!
Around 200 million people worldwide suffer from thyroid problems!
health.com has a slideshow called,
"Thyroid 101 - 19 Signs Your Thyroid Isn't Working Right"
Do you know what a goiter is?
Do you know the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism?
Do you know what Grave's Disease is?
Are you up-to-date on thyroid cancer?
If you want to learn more about these conditions, we invite you to read aboutthem on webmd.com:
Now, please stay healthy and happy!
If you have any health questions, see your doctor!
(photo credit: healthythoughts.in)