Vrouwen voor Vrouwen. What is that? Well, that's Dutch for Women for Women. For those of you who follow our news, you will already know that this is an organization from Holland which sends teams of OB/GYNs to Nepal for much needed female surgeries and one of these teams came to our hospital this Fall. Have you seen their website? If you haven't, and you'd like to, head on over: http://www.vrouwenvoorvrouwen.nl/?language=UK
Every team member from Vrouwen voor Vrouwen comes completely via their own funds and also brings donations for the surgeries. As patients finally get relief from uterine prolapse, some of whom have suffered in silence for many years, they certainly feel blessed to have these dedicated teams come and do what they can to help and to relieve their suffering. Here is a picture of Dr. Philomeen Weyenborg (OB/GYN) and Dr. Jan den Boon (Uro-Gynecologist) from Vrouwen voor Vrouwen. Missing from the picture is Dr. Loes. We're so thankful that the three of them used their vacation time to help the ladies of Nepal. We're also very thankful to the Vrouwen voor Vrouwen Organization for its time and efforts and we also give a very big THANKS to their sponsors who support the program financially.
Every team member from Vrouwen voor Vrouwen comes completely via their own funds and also brings donations for the surgeries. As patients finally get relief from uterine prolapse, some of whom have suffered in silence for many years, they certainly feel blessed to have these dedicated teams come and do what they can to help and to relieve their suffering. Here is a picture of Dr. Philomeen Weyenborg (OB/GYN) and Dr. Jan den Boon (Uro-Gynecologist) from Vrouwen voor Vrouwen. Missing from the picture is Dr. Loes. We're so thankful that the three of them used their vacation time to help the ladies of Nepal. We're also very thankful to the Vrouwen voor Vrouwen Organization for its time and efforts and we also give a very big THANKS to their sponsors who support the program financially.
Here is Yda de Boer, gynecologist nurse, who accompanied the doctors, with our own nurses.
They really enjoyed working together and gave great care to their patients.
Please enjoy the following pictures of their time here.
Stay tuned for Fall News, Part 3, coming soon!
Take care and God bless!