Monday, January 27, 2014

Fall 2013 News, Part 3--"Vrouwen voor Vrouwen"

Vrouwen voor Vrouwen.  What is that?  Well, that's Dutch for Women for Women.  For those of you who follow our news, you will already know that this is an organization from Holland which sends teams of OB/GYNs to Nepal  for much needed female surgeries and one of these teams came to our hospital this Fall.  Have you seen their website?  If you haven't, and you'd like to, head on over:

Every team member from Vrouwen voor Vrouwen comes completely via their own funds and also brings donations for the surgeries.  As patients finally get relief from uterine prolapse, some of whom have suffered in silence for many years, they certainly feel blessed to have these dedicated teams come and do what they can to help and to relieve their suffering.  Here is a picture of Dr. Philomeen Weyenborg (OB/GYN) and Dr. Jan den Boon (Uro-Gynecologist) from Vrouwen voor Vrouwen.  Missing from the picture is Dr. Loes.  We're so thankful that the three of them used their vacation time to help the ladies of Nepal.  We're also very thankful to the Vrouwen voor Vrouwen Organization for its time and efforts and we also give a very big THANKS to their sponsors who support the program financially.

Here is Yda de Boer, gynecologist nurse, who accompanied the doctors, with our own nurses.  
They really enjoyed working together and gave great care to their patients.

Please enjoy the following pictures of their time here.


Stay tuned for Fall News, Part 3, coming soon!
Take care and God bless!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fall 2013 News, Part 2--"A Dentist & Gynecologists"

Fall 2013 was a busy time at Scheer Memorial Hospital.  If you missed the Fall Part 1 post, click here to see pictures of Nepal in the Fall.  This post will now inform you about what was going on around here, besides the usual!

We were so happy to welcome German volunteer Dr. Cindy Obermeyer, D.D.S.  She was a real asset to our team.  Here she is (center) with our dental assistant Mr. Darshananth Koirala (left) and our dentist
Dr. Nishamma Yakthumba, D.D.S. (right), 

...and giving dental advice and service.

Her presence and help to our patients was a huge plus as Nepal is not immune to oral health problems.  According to the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, 58% of children and 69% of adults in Nepal are suffering from bacterial tooth decay.  Therefore we heartily thank you for coming Dr. Julia and please don't be a stranger!

As you know from previous posts, Nepal is also not immune to the debilitating condition of uterine prolapse.  Some estimates give the number of approximately 600,000 women who suffer with this right here in Nepal.  (This could be a low estimate as not every women with uterine prolapse discusses their situation and discomfort.)  It's a very delicate situation that is often suffered in silence.  With the help and dedication of the teams who come to Nepal to correct this problem and help teach ways to avoid it altogether, we are glad to be a part of the continuing solution.  This Fall, a gynecological team from Colorado's Centura Global Health Initiatives ( came to us again.  (We're proud to announce that we are one of the places they regularly visit.)  The lead doctors this visit were Dr. Gretchen Bruno, OB/GYN, Dr. Charles Giarratana, OB/GYN, and Dr. Oksana Bantley, Anesthesiologist.  We thank them for coming and giving of their time and efforts.  Thirty ladies received life changing surgeries this trip.  (Twenty were funded by donors from Colorado and ten by donors from Australia.  A big Thank You goes out to the donors!)  Please enjoy the following photographs of their time here.

Global Health Initiatives Team, you will never really know the full impact of your visit.  The smiles on the faces of your patients are just a start.  Again, we thank you and already look forward to your next visit!

Please stay tuned for Fall 2013 News, Part 3, coming soon!
Take care and may God bless all who read this blog!