Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy New Year 2071

What?  Happy New Year 2071?

Yes, here in Nepal, today, April 14, 2014, is actually  Baishakh 1, 2071, which is New Year's Day!

Nepal observes the Bikram Sambat lunisolar Hindu calendar.  To read more about it,
check out Wikipedia's information
That page also has links to other information pages about this calendar.

Here in Banepa, it is a quiet and peaceful day with people spending time relaxing, eating, 
and enjoying time with family and friends.

Some towns, such as nearby Bhaktapur, have celebrations.  
Here's a picture from

Here at Scheer Memorial Hospital, the office workers have a day off,
but not the OR staff who keep busy every day of the year.  THANKS folks!

Right now there is a medical volunteer team here from Sydney Adventist Hospital 
and Open Heart International performing burn contracture reconstruction surgeries.
(Stay tuned for more information about this in upcoming posts.)
On behalf of their patients, we give them a big thanks for taking their vacation time to come.

Other workers working today include the canteen staff--THANKS,

 the laundry staff--THANKS,

 and of course, the nurses--THANKS!

Other departments open today and every day 24/7, in every hospital,
 are the ER, always busy--THANKS,

the reception--THANKS,

and the cashier--THANKS, and pharmacy (last window)--THANKS.

The guards are always working too--THANKS,

and the ambulance drivers are always on call and ready to go at any moment--THANKS.

We also want to thank all our loyal supporters and wish them, and in fact everyone,
all the best during this new year of 2071 and/or 2014!

Take care and God bless!